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色狼集中营 收罗搜索引擎

2024-11-02 20:50    点击次数:75

色狼集中营 收罗搜索引擎








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An Introduction to the Course of “Internet Search Engines”


Search engine technique is one of the key technologies of internet,好色电影院 which can automatically discover and collect network resources, provide search services to internet users by parsing, indexing and organizing those network resources. Web search engine is a selective specialty course for undergraduate students majoring in Computer Science and Technology, Network and Information Security, and Internet of Things. The main tasks and objectives are: understanding the basic principles of the search engines profoundly; mastering the key techniques of search engines systematically; familiarizing development directions and state-of-art issues of search engines; recognizing related fields of search engines

Course contents include Chinese information processing method色狼集中营, crawlers, web inverted index data structure, the organization of web database, query processing, web page ranking, retrieval model, machine learning, clustering technique, deep Web search, etc.     Through study of this course, students should acquire basic skills of developing search engines, and lay theoretical foundation on search engine research.

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